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How to Spot a Dependable Plumber

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Choosing a plumber isn’t like picking out a car – you can’t test drive a plumber to make sure they are the right fit, nor do you have access to all their specs and features. What you have is a fairly incomplete picture: their website, their reviews online, and perhaps a few word-of-mouth opinions from acquaintances.

It can be difficult, therefore, to spot a dependable, quality plumber. Plumbing projects aren’t something you really want to get wrong since small mistakes can become large emergencies down the line. You need it done right the first time, in a reasonable amount of time and for an affordable price.

To make certain you get a plumber you can depend on, look for the four following things:

They Offer Round the Clock Service

Your plumbing doesn’t sleep. Emergencies can – and often do – happen in the middle of the night, with pipes bursting or wastewater backing up. Without a 24/7 plumber in your corner, you and your family are pretty much helpless until the morning, left to panic over a problem that can cause major damage to your home. To nip plumbing emergencies in the bud, hire a professional contractor like Mister Plumber that offers round-the-clock professional service.

They Have Ample Experience

You would be uneasy if your surgeon told you it was their first day on the job, right? Think of a plumber as like a surgeon for your home, making sure everything pumps and flows correctly. The more experienced a plumber is, the more they are in a prime position to detect problems and offer actionable solutions. They are also far less likely to misdiagnose plumbing problems (an unfortunate misdiagnosis can result in a lot of wasted money and many torn up walls.) A plumber usually lists their experience on their website, but if in doubt, just ask!

They Are Upfront With Testimonials

A plumber should be upfront and volunteering with their customer testimonials. They should wear their good customer service like a badge, instead of hiding their reviews away on a small “like us on Facebook” button in the corner of their website. This shows confidence. Often, a website is all you have to go by when choosing a plumber, and the more confidence it inspires, the better. In particular, look to testimonials to learn whether the plumbers are easy to deal with, accommodating and do quality work.

They Do It All, Big and Small

Your plumber can fix a leaky faucet but they can’t install a sump pump? They can snake a drain but they can’t install a pipe? Having a plumber who can only do the small projects is like having a mechanic that can only fix the car radio. Sooner or later, you will have to find a dependable plumber anyways to tackle the large repairs and installations. You might as well find a plumber who does all the jobs, big and small.

Don’t get stuck with the wrong plumber. You will end up chasing that decision with a lot of hard-earned money. Instead, follow these four criteria to find a quality, dependable plumber.