Learning a new language can be extremely difficult, especially when you’ve just moved to a new country and are starting from scratch. English specifically can be quite a finicky language. Words aren’t always spelt the way you think they should be, and there are many rules and exceptions that can even trip up native speakers.
Although it may be a challenge, learning English is not impossible. Whether you have a foundation of the language, want to brush up on your skills, or are starting from scratch, there are plenty of resources that allow Ontarians to learn English from the comfort of their own homes.
No matter where you’re at in your journey to mastering English, here are some ways to help make learning a lot easier and more accessible.
Enroll in Virtual School
Virtual school is often thought of as a way to earn Ontario high school credits online; however, there are so many things you can learn online that go beyond your high school or university education. Learning English through a virtual school allows you to work at your own pace so you can get the most out of your courses.
With no set class times, firm assignment deadlines, or need to commute, Ontarians can easily incorporate learning English into their lives without having to sacrifice their careers and other commitments.
Read Whatever You Can
Reading is one of the best ways to test your comprehension and develop your language skills. Start with simple books like comics, picture books, or children’s novels. Remember, those types of books are intended for people learning to read and write in English too, so they’re at a level that will make learning more accessible.
Take the time to make sure you understand each word in the text you’re reading. If that means pausing to look up a word, then do that! Make notes in the margins and highlight new words to help enhance your learning.
Watch Movies and Shows Using Subtitles
Watching and listening to people speak in English is a great way to learn how the language works in real life settings as opposed to just by the book. To start, watch a movie in English but with subtitles in your native language. This will ensure you fully understand what is being said and aren’t getting overwhelmed or discouraged.
When you feel like you’re ready to remove the subtitles, try watching something you’ve already seen before and know well to help give better context to what you’re hearing.
Practice Makes Progress
If the only time you’re practicing English is when you’re doing your coursework, it’s going to be much harder to learn. Instead, it would be best to practice whenever and wherever you can. Whether that means having conversations with the cashier at the grocery store, ordering in English at a restaurant, or simply talking to yourself, any way you can incorporate your learning into your daily life will help.
Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Although you don’t need to be practicing all day, dedicating a chunk of time each day to your learning will help solidify the language in your brain.