If you’re thinking of starting a new home improvement project, let me in on a little secret. You don’t have to pay full price for anything. Really! Use the suggestions listed here and learn how to save on your home improvement project. NEVER pay full price for your supplies again!
There are many different techniques you can use to drastically save on your home improvement project. Whether it’s something small like repainting, or something large like installing new cabinetry, you can use the tips here to help save on your home improvement project. Combine several of these ideas for maximum savings.
Use online coupons – The amount of online coupons that are available is staggering. Before your next trip to Lowe’s, Home Depot, or your local hardware store, check online for printable coupons. These same websites offer a variety of coupon codes that can be used for online purchases. Save money on your home improvement project by taking advantage of these savings. Some websites I recommend for finding online coupons and coupon codes are:
- Wow-Coupons
- Coupon Cabin
- Retail Me Not
- Deals Plus
Shop online – Sometimes the best way to save on your home improvement project is to shop online. Auction sites such as Ebay or Property Room can generate big savings. Most retail stores offer exclusive savings on their websites, so be sure shop those sites too. (The coupon websites listed above also offer coupon codes for increased savings)
Compare sales ads online – Save yourself time and gas money running around from store to store looking for the cheapest price. Instead, visit www.salescircular.com and compare the best deals for your state. Find the absolute lowest price for whatever you need, right from the comfort of your own home! Don’t forget, combine these deals with other ideas to really save a bundle.
Check home improvement store websites – I’m not playing favorites here, but I’m going to use Lowe’s website as an example how you can save money on your next home improvement project. Go to the Lowe’s website, www.lowes.com, and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. You’ll see an area marked “News Savings, New Opportunity”. This section will show you recently marked-down products, which can help save money on your next home improvement project. Also, look over the Lowes home page for other promotions and deals.
Shop tax-free weekends – If your home improvement project includes redecorating, there are many items you can purchase tax-free during tax-free weekend events.
Charge it! – I normally do not recommend the use of credit cards, BUT when used correctly they can offer big-time savings. Most home improvement stores have their own credit cards, which offers different promotions and incentives for using it. If applying for a new in-store credit card can save you 10%, and you’re making a hefty purchase, by all means use that card! Just make sure to pay it off immediately or your savings won’t count for much.
Another person’s return can be your savings – Whenever you shop in stores, look for items that have been purchased and returned by others. These items are typically taped up, bent, or show some signs of being handled. If you can an item that you need in this condition, you can very likely get the price reduced by the store manager. Aim for a savings of 10% – 20%, or even more.
Shop bargain outlets – Bargain outlets offer TREMENDOUS savings on home improvement supplies. Typically the items are either discontinued or overstocked, and the prices are reduced drastically.
By combining in-store sales and any of the other money-saving ideas listed here, you’ll find that it is very easy to learn how how to save on your home improvement project.