In today’s busy world, it can be difficult to juggle work, family, and the many surprises that life can throw in your direction. If you also have a loved one in your family who requires at-home care, then you likely understand how time-consuming it can be to ensure their proper care.
If you feel overwhelmed with taking care of a loved one, get more information on home care services to see what options are available near you.
Here are some examples of how home health care can give you the support you need.
1. They Are There When You Can’t Be
Home nursing care and personal support professionals are there when you can’t be. When you’re at work or taking an evening off, home care workers can give you the peace of mind that you deserve. Qualified and trained Caregiver professionals stay with your loved one and are equipped for any situation. They are experts and know the risks involved with caring for Seniors such as the risk of accidents or falls and the risks associated with mental and physical disabilities, such as memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
2. Medication Guidance
Often, Seniors are taking multiple prescriptions and it can get confusing. If you don’t have the proper training, medications can be mishandled and can become seriously harmful.
It is important when you select a home-healthcare provider that their Caregivers, Personal Support Workers (PSWs) and/or Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) be:
- certified and/or registered;
- screened for Vulnerable Clearance;
- covered by Workman’s Safety & Insurance; and
- from a reputable and accredited home care organization.
Trained Caregivers and RPNs ensure that all medications are taken correctly, in the right quantity, at the right time and following the directions.
3. Diet and Nutrition Support
Adults aged 65 and older, those with chronic conditions, and people recently discharged from a hospital or nursing home are all individuals who are nutritionally at-risk. They have different dietary needs than younger adults and are susceptible to Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and calcium deficiency.
Because you might not have the time to prepare nutritionally-rich meals for everyone in your family, including a live-at-home parent, home health care may be beneficial because Caregivers can provide nutritional counselling and home-cooked meals to protect those at risk against malnutrition and further illness.
4. Home Health Caregivers Help Around the House
Taking care of yourself and your family is hard work, and sometimes daily chores seem to fall from your ever-growing “to do” list. Of course, when chores go by the way-side, your home can quickly get out of hand. A Caregiver can offer help with chores around the house such as vacuuming, laundry or dishes, in order to maintain a safe and healthy living space.
5. One-on-One Support
Home Health Caregivers provide unique services to their clients, and over time, meaningful relationships are built out of intimate moments getting to know one another. Since the Client is seen in the comfort of their own home, it is easier for them to trust a Caregiver and know that they are putting their needs first.
Caregivers become friends and confidants, and while they help your loved one with medications and treatment, bathing, grooming, and dressing, your loved one will also look forward to watching their favourite TV show, playing a game of chess, even cooking a meal with their Caregiver – and you can take the evening off or attend to the “to-do” items on your list.